Secrets to Long-Lasting Habit Change

Secrets to Long-Lasting Habit Change - Wellstyles and Valley Schools

Humans by nature are often resistant to change. We are creatures of habit and comfort. We do not like to do things we know will make us uncomfortable, despite knowing and understanding the positive benefits that can come from these often temporary sacrifices. According to the CDC, a small percentage (only 6%) of Americans consistently engage in the top five … Read More

Recognize and Overcome ‘All or Nothing’ Thinking

Recognize and Overcome All or Nothing Thinking - Wellstyles - Valley Schools

You’ve set a goal for the new year to meditate every night before you go to bed. You do this every night for the first three weeks until you unexpectedly fall asleep watching a movie on Saturday night. The next day you wake up disappointed and think to yourself, “I didn’t keep my New Year’s goal, I fail at everything.” … Read More

Wellness Goals: Staying Accountable in the New Year

Goal setting is an opportunity to reflect on the past and plan for the year ahead. Take a look at what went well in 2020 – your wins, what you can work on, and goals for the upcoming year. Don’t confuse goal setting or setting intentions with the term “New Year’s resolution.” Now is the perfect time to reset but … Read More